His Host of Living Stones (Continued)

This new breed of His People will be seeking to follow Him while saving the lost sheep. They will be hidden in the cleft of the rock while receiving hidden manna of divine intelligence for Intercession and Reconstruction of their Inner Beings. Humanity is interdimensional. Therefore, we must realize we are all operating on more than one dimension.

The House of Living Stones is not just figurative, actually resisting in another dimension on a heavenly third level where there is a resting place for the Spirits who cleave to Him, our Capstone. Therefore, gird yourself with truth and seek the higher way. As He prayed in John 17, we would be taken there to be with Him and Our Father. There is the way called “The Highway of Holiness” also the “Ancient Paths” and the “Ancient Doors.”

We see that Moses only fulfilled his mission because of adversity and a divine intervention that caused him to leave the flock and search for the lost sheep. That was when he met Elohim in the “Burning Bush.” When Mt. Sinai thundered, Moses knew it was Elohim and that he was being called to the mountain for another Kismet. This resulted in his receiving the Ten Commandments written by the hand of Elohim.

This new higher way is not for the faint hearted. It is a rigorous searching to find the true way to run the race to finish the calling on our lives. Our search will have effects that are far reaching in the spectrum of His Light we see light and become “Light Bearers” of His Kingdom.

As I worked on the painting of the Mountain wherein there is an “Ancient “Door” leading to this divine encounter, I saw there were many stones that were dark brown, blue and green striated with gold bands or specks. These I was led to include near the top. Some scattered at the striding edge of the mountain, while others at keystone positions over doors in the other areas of the mountain. There were hidden doors that could be accessed in fellowship of the listening to The Holy Spirit giving guidance. Others were opened with a “Cry of The Heart.” This was key in bringing those Seekers closer to The LORD.

I saw that there will be small streams and cataracts through doors and side doors appearing as these appear. This is for those who will drink more deeply and then are awarded with an easier route than the attainment of the Summit. This is a lesson that we must learn to stay sharp as a tool in His Hand when He reaches for us to will and do His Perfect Will.

I will post the prophetic painting as soon as I have heard the final message and it is completed. Meanwhile, let us pray.


Our Father, Elohim, Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come in greater measure in our humanity conforming our Spirit, Soul, Heart and Mind and Body to The Image of Your Son Jesus Christ Our LORD and King. Thy will be done in greater measure in and through all our parts and You live and move and possess our beings. Forgive us when we fall short as we forgive our debtors turning them over to You, The Only Righteous Judge.

Forgive us when we fall, carry us when we call back to Your Holy Hill. Lead us not into temptations (or our enemies) and deliver us from all evil, for thine is the glory and the power by Your Holy Spirit forever and ever. Send forth Your Word so that Your Word may become flesh in us. Send forth Your Rod of Strength to rule amidst our enemies. Bring us out to a well-watered and beautiful, prosperous land like Tirzah and be gracious to call us back to Your Table where we will eat and dispense the Fruits of Wisdom and the Leaves of Healing to Your Children. Give us strength daily not to give up and lay down our mandates and commissions.

Uphold us in Your Righteousness for Your Righteous Cause. Vindicate us O LORD before all our Accusers and their Chief Accuser Satan through the Voice of Your Blood speaking on our behalf. Annul every covenant of iniquity that contends with Your Covenant of Grace through His Blood shed for us. Heal us by Your Son’s Stripes. As we plead for the Voice of The Blood to plead our case, answer to the Blood as You promised, “My Spirit will always answer to the Blood of My Son when pled by My Children to wash them of their sins.”

Send your angelic hosts to aid us to enter in to “The Place of Security” that you afford all who confess Your Son is Jesus Christ. Bring us days of refreshing and cause Your Face to shine upon us. Lay gifts at our feet so we may take these up as weapons to win the lost, the least and the brokent to Your Kingdom. Be gracious to us! Hosanna! And grant us Shalom in a Restoration of Heavenly Design of our First Estate. Then will will offer bulls of the rebellious ones on Your Altar and offer righteous sacrifices to abate judgments. Amen.


Published by MARY K. DULLFORCE

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