Urgent Petition on Behalf of the Unborn of Great Britain

I found this bulletin today cited below and call upon those who read it to pray for an outcome of the protection of the unborn children of Great Britain.

Please read it and if you are in agreement with Catherine Robinson’s petition do what you feel led to do. Most of all the effective prayer of the righteous shall avail much power to manifest change to establish the just laws and judgments of Heavenly Courts on earth in the nations of Great Britain to keep Britain great and preserve the lives of British children.

Catherine Robinson writes:

“I just wanted to make contact to let you know that the Leader of the House of Commons, Penny Mordaunt, has just announced that Report Stage of the Criminal Justice Bill is going to be on Wednesday 15 May.

This means that we have under two weeks until the biggest battle on abortion in a generation.

On Wednesday 15 May, MPs will be given the opportunity to vote on two pro-life changes to the law – one amendment tabled by Caroline Ansell MP to lower the abortion time limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks – and another tabled by Liam Fox MP that would bring the abortion time limit for babies with Down’s syndrome in line with the time limit for babies that do not have disabilities (as you likely know, abortion for Down’s syndrome is currently legal right up to birth).

MPs will also have the opportunity to vote on two extreme abortion up to birth amendments that have been tabled by pro-abortion MPs Stella Creasy and Diana Johnson.

Divine Reset Prayer:

Our Father in heaven Who Art Elohim, to Whom All Power and Glory is ascribed as Almighty to deliver, we thank you for Your Messenger Angels who You will send to minister to all of whom Your Holy Spirit chooses to send to speak Your Warnings and to bring revelation regarding the danger of legislating legal abortions.

Our National Governments of Great Britain are guilty of every sin regarding the indictments against their people for upholding abortion in their Courts of Justice.

We stand in repentance for voting into power those Ministers and Members of Parliament who approve abortion. We are asking for Your forgiveness and mercy.

We cannot change those MP’s mindsets who voted previously to sow a seed of unrighteous action to keep abortion laws in their nations without Your aid and intervention.

We cannot change the MP’s mindsets in regard to them being enabled to see abortion as You see it, which is as an abomination in Your Eyes.

Unless You send these MP’s Your correction and chastisement by your Spirit to renew their minds to take back this legal ground and to denounce Pro-Abortion Laws which are a criminal act against all humanity in these nation’s governments and in these judicial systems, then we will lose this battle to protect the unborn babies and their mothers who are all in danger of being denied their destiny.

Father, unless You move Sovereignly to discipline them, then these MP’s of these countries will remain under Your scourge of judgment.

Father, we pray you will send Angels of Your High Court with Warrants of Arrest to bring them and reveal to these MP’s the Irrevocable Contracts and Verdicts of Heaven and Hell against them because of their pro abortion stand.

We petition that as they are brought to Your Court of Testimony that they will be shown the personal and national disasters they will sow and reap if they do not change their minds to vote to legislate just laws that will protect both Mothers and their unborn children.

Father, We petition for Your Spirit to bless the people by dispensing Your wisdom and discernment to raise up into positions of government the men and women who are of Your Right Hand.

Father we ask for Your Spirit to send the Heaven’s Almoners who have the Judicial Mandate as Magistrates and those with the Builder Anointing to restore and rebuild the righteous laws and just judgments of Heaven to be established in the English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish Courts and their Houses of Parliament.

If it is as we discern true that Your Heavenly Court’s judgements of punishments that are due to be rendered are currently without mitigation, then we seek Your mitigation and Your Angelic interventions to be sent to these MP’s and their leaders to convince them to choose to either resign their posts or to repair and restore these countries from the consequences of their sinful unjust judgments by voting against these extreme pro-abortion laws.

Our Father, we petition for Your Spirit to move and be poured out on all their flesh so they will be given warning by seeing visions and dreams that will reveal to them, that if they do not do so, they will reap a harvest of Your Chastisement that will cost them dearly.

We ask for Your Son’s intervention to be authored and employed acting as our Advocate in Your Courts to prevent the loss of human life.

We seek Your mercy and grace. We pray that Your Spirit will turn the tide of bloodshed, so that the people will finally turn away from their altars of Baal and return to Your Altar.

We pray for the time when we will see every country of Great Britain be convicted by Your Spirit to seek to actively banish all laws that support abortion.

Our Father, we thirst for righteousness praying according to Your Word that we will be filled as we stand in the gap to petition for Your Spirit and Power to bring the changes that will cause these laws of pro abortion laws and bills to be overturned. In the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

Psalm 66: Praise To God for His Awesome Works

Let us thank Jesus in advance for His Awesome Deeds of Deliverance with this song of praise with thanksgiving.

Heaven Come Down

Discover The True Destiny of Great Britain is written in the scriptures regarding the descendants of Judah who came to take up their sceptre rulership and reign through the royal line of the descendants of King David of Judah.


Published by MARY K. DULLFORCE

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