Latter Day Rains Salted With Fire

“Eight days later He showed me this same vision again, and explained tht this work was the building up of special security forces of love, which He is going to give His Own Ones in the hour of the storm of tribulations which shall sweep forth over the world. This security is not a place, but an intimate relationship with God in which His love and His person are built up in His own ones, so that they are brought into the special secuirty tht they shall need in that hour.”

My Remnant, Come To My Hiding Place

The LORD led me in waiting upon Him to hear His Voice say, “My Remnant, you must come in now quickly to My Hiding Place.” to find and read about this “Place of Intimacy” which was seen in a Vision by Annie Schisler and recorded in the book “I Looked And I Saw.” It is recorded and quoted below:

“Taking me into His Cloud once again, He showed me a process of bringing His own ones into a close intimacy of love with Himself and told me that only this intimacy the closeness of a love relationship with Him would bring forth the desired manifestation of His Presence.”

Jacob & Judah Become One Rod of Strength In The LORD’s Hand.

I sought The LORD and He answered me regarding this current shaking that has brought again the ensuing battle of Psalm 83 and Isaiah 45 back into play as the God and Magog prophecy is being enacted against Israel (Judah) and the nations of the United States of America (Manasseh Son of Joseph who wasContinue reading “Jacob & Judah Become One Rod of Strength In The LORD’s Hand.”


I was given a task by The Holy Spirit to paint this revelation of the Believer’s hearts joined together by communion and intimate contact with Jesus Christ Our Lord. I saw the heart and then I saw the pools of water representing the intimacy of The Father, Son, Holy Spirit and The Believer.

Hidden In The Cleft of His Rock From Which You Were Hewn

Vision of Deliverance for The Bride Who Surrenders Under His Hand Annie Schisler’s Visions of The Eternal: Excerpt from “I Looked And I Saw Visions of God” SPIRITUAL GUIDES *“Today in the vision God showed me the operations of the spiritual powers, who were high spiritual beings quite different from other kinds of angelic beings.Continue reading “Hidden In The Cleft of His Rock From Which You Were Hewn”

Weapons of Warfare Deployed

The LORD then reminded me of a vision I read recorded in the book “Visions of The Eternal” seen by Annie Schisler Seer and Teacher. This is the vision in part that is relevant to these “Principalities of Evil” as recorded as follows:

“Tenderly covering me with the protection of His love, He took me away to another place where I saw monstrous princes of evil who were not angels. Larger and greater than the evil angels I had seen, they were horribly evil, frightening in their aspect and so repugnant in their forms that I felt tremendous revulsion even within my hiding place.  There are no words or ideas among men to express the powerful, sheer frightfulness of evil as it reigns in fullness in these princes of evil.  Not only monstrous in size and hideous in shape, they were also filled with violence of fury and hatred.”

Healing Ruach Words from The King

If you have heard My Word of hope, use it as a bulwark for your faith to shore you up in times of weakness.  Hold fast to the truth I have revealed to you and do not let your faith be shaken.  I will help you continue to stand and see My Deliverance.  You are walking a fine line, but it is one I have also drawn in the sand against your enemies.  If they step over it to harm you they will soon know that I am contending with them in ways they never expected and that they will not and cannot escape My Judgements.  


Many Priests and Shepherds have abandoned the Bride of Christ to seek after worldly acclaim and riches. This will be a greater judgment upon them. For they have not bound up the brokenhearted or ministered to the sick and the infirm as they were called and sent to do. This is His Wife you have mistreated who is called to be a votary at this time, but these so called ministers of God have shunned, oppressed and driven away His Bride in their efforts to usurp His Divine Positioning for His Bride. Therefore, hear The Word of The LORD:

Prophetic Word of Revelation: Awakening to God In The Nations

“According to My Word I will perform what I have spoken and caused by My Spirit My Prophets and Apostles and Teachers, Evangelists, Pastors and Intercessors to speak forth and create a new awakening to God with signs and wonders and miracles attending. There shall be no end and no ebb of the floods of My Glory!”

Restoration of Refuge In Our Father

The restoration of refuge in the season of redemption of the latter years will become greater and more blessed than the former years when His People truly return to The Father in their hearts and He is revealed to them through His Son.  In My Father’s House Are Many Rooms 1“Do not let your heartsContinue reading “Restoration of Refuge In Our Father”